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Identity: Queer!

Seminar Queer-Easter 2005

Identity: Queer!
Identity: Queer!

Die Jugendbildungsstätte Kurt Löwenstein lädt gemeinsam mit den Veranstalterinnen IUSY, IFM und ECOSY zu "Queer Easter 2005 - IDENTITY: QUEER" ein.

Dieses Internationale Seminar findet vom 23. bis 28. März 2005 in der Jugendbildungsstätte Kurt Löwenstein in Werftpfuhl statt.

Hier der englischsprachige Einladungstext

Comrades and friends from all over the world, It is a pleasure for us to invite you to "Queer Easter 2005 - IDENTITY: QUEER”. This sixth Queer Easter Seminar is going to take place from 23rd to 28th of March 2004 in Werftpfuhl, Germany. Participants can arrive on Tuesday 22nd of March. The seminar is organized in cooperation with the LesBiGay Working Group of IUSY, the Queer Network inside ECOSY, the International Falcon Movement IFM -SEI and the German Falcon Educational Centre Kurt Löwenstein. The venue and accommodation will be at the educational centre Kurt Loewenstein in Werftpfuhl (30 km away from Berlin). Invited are 18-30-year-old members of IUSY-, ECOSY and IFM-SEI-organisations and friends. Working language of the seminar is English.

Main topic: Identities

The topic of this year’s Queer Easter will be Identities. The team is preparing workshops on the topic of sexual minorities, working groups on campaigning and other interactive themes, debates, house rallies and leisure time. To find out more about Queer Easter you can check our website at www.queereaster.net.


The program will be send to the participants a week before. Of course we’ll also learn a lot about the situation in other countries. Besides work and political debates we’re of course not going to forget about having fun together. We’ll also spend one day in Berlin.

More Information

The participation fee depends on the country you come from (between 5,- and 50,- Euro). For more detailed information about the participation fee or travel reimbursement, please contact Raana Graesle at the educational centre.

Application deadline

Please let us know until the deadline for registration on the 15th of March if you are interested in participating. You can register either directly at the Educational centre by sending the application form at the back of this invitation or at ECOSY LesBiGayNetwork. In case participants need Visa to enter Germany the deadline is 18th February. Please return the application form as soon as possible since the original personal invitation letters are going to be sent out on the 18th of February. Do not forget to mention the name and address where we should send the original invitations to, and a phone-number how we could reach the responsible person! If you also send us a fax-number you will get copies of the visa-letters via fax so that you can apply with the fax and get the visa when it is done with the original invitation letter.

If you have any questions, if you need more information, if you need any help or if you have any remarks please contact me at the educational centre. On behalf of the Queer Easter 2005 prep-team, Raana Graesle +49-33398-899918, r.graesle@kurt-loewenstein.de



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