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Resist! The Global Climate Divide

Die Falkeninternationale IFM-SEI führt im Dezember Online-Kurse für ein Protesttraining zu internationaler Klimagerechtigkeit durch. Das Seminar richtet sich an Aktive der IFM-SEI-Mitgliedsverbände.

Resist! The Global Climate Divide
Resist! The Global Climate Divide

Die Seminarsprache ist Englisch. Anmelden könnt ihr euch bei uns. Schreibt einfach eine E-Mail an Estefania Casajus im Bundesbüro. Nennt uns einfach euren Namen und eure Falkengliederung. Alle weiteren Infos erhaltet ihr dann im Anschluss.

Die Ausschreibung:

Dear friends, We are happy to publish this call for participants for Resist! the Global Climate Divide’s training for young climate change activists and educators! Calling young people from all over the world who want to fight the climate crisis! Are you worried about what the future of our world will look like? Are you angry that the actions of a few are endangering the rest of humanity and wildlife? Are you a climate change activist, looking to make your practices more inclusive, widespread and effective?

Then apply to join our training, where you will:

• Learn about the climate crisis from different intersectional perspectives
• Have support from our wonderful educational team to plan and implement climate
projects/actions in your local communities! • Get seed funding from us towards 4 local projects
• Help shape our new educational toolkit on the climate crisis!

Who can apply?

• 16-30 year olds
• Active in IFM-SEI member organisations, youth movements or grassroots organisations
• People passionate about the struggle against the climate crisis
• People confident working in English
• People motivated to work on the project and on
a follow up local projects

But how?

Resist!’s training will be an exciting mix of online courses and in-person action! We have designed 4 online courses, each packed full of dynamic methods for you to engage with fellow activists from across the world on topics of climate change. Each course will involve:

learning about climate change and an intersecting issue, designing and running local actions and sharing with us how it went!

You will also receive four micro-grants from us to implement your very own local actions, from workshops to creative direct action!

Wow sounds great, but when?

Resist!’s training will kick off in December, so please register here before 31st November 2020

If this sounds exciting to you, or you think you know someone who will be interested, go ahead and share this call with your network!

Resist! The Global Climate Divide
Resist! The Global Climate Divide

Die Falkeninternationale IFM-SEI führt im Dezember Online-Kurse für ein Protesttraining zu internationaler Klimagerechtigkeit durch. Das Seminar richtet sich an Aktive der IFM-SEI-Mitgliedsverbände.


12.02.2025, 19:00 bis 12.02.2025, 21:00

Infotreffen zum IFM-Camp
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05.03.2025, 19:00 bis 05.03.2025, 21:00

Offenes Treffen der Internationalen Kommission
Save the Date!


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