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All Together - Making inclusion happen

All Together - Making inclusion happen

Inklusion in der Jugendverbandsarbeit (englischsprachige Broschüre der IFM-SEI)

In IFM-SEI we strive to be inclusive of all children and young people. Towards this aim we have developed a long-term strategy, All Together, to increase the inclusion of children and young people with fewer opportunities in our activities and structures.
Following a needs-analysis by the European Falcon Network it became clear that all European organisations face the same difficulty in including in their activities and democratic structures young people with fewer opportunities. Although many children joined our groups through their own initiative, these tended to be predominantly white, middle-class and able-bodied children. Reaching other groups of young people was identified as a challenge, particularly those facing multiple-discrimination. It was decided to develop a pro-active long-term strategy to make our organisations more diverse.

All Together Aim

The aim of All Together is to develop clear strategies to ensure European Falcon organisations are inclusive towards young people with fewer opportunities. We aim to critically evaluate our work, including identifying barriers to participation.

Inclusion Handbook

One of results of the All Together project is creation of Inclusion Handbook, a support book for organisations, boards and councils and group leaders who want to make their approaches more inclusive.

It consists of general overview, explanation of terminology, awarness raising excercises, games and activities, many good examples, how inclusion projects really work in European youth NGOs and many more.


Handbook is free for download and use under only restriction - source (IFM-SEI All Together Inclusion Handbook) should be always mentioned.


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